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How Arthritis Affects the Health of Joints

Mar 20 2022 Published by under Uncategorized

Arthritis is a condition that has a large impact on the overall health of joints. There are nearly two hundred different types of arthritic conditions in which a person may suffer from. In this article, you will learn just what kind of impact that arthritis has on joint health.

Arthritis is a term that literally means “inflammation” within the area of the joints. This inflammation can be extremely troublesome to the general health of joints in the body. This is because this area of the body was not created to withstand the complications of inflammation.

Joints are created in such a way that two bones meet. The bones that come together to form the joint are covered in a material that helps to ensure the overall health of joints in that particular location. This material is called “cartilage”.

The cartilage serves the purpose of actually providing a type of insulation to the joint area. Without this material ensuring the health of joints, not only would our mobility be greatly inhibited, but our movements would prove to be extremely painful.

There is also an additional component that serves as a supplement to the health of joints. This is called “synovium”. The purpose of this component is to generate synovial fluid that will assist in reduction of friction among the joints.

In addition to this, the health of joints is also dependent upon various muscles and ligaments when it comes to movement. When the health of joints is affected by the devastation of arthritis, it may become difficult for the joints to move as they should.

Arthritic conditions cause poor health of joints. As a matter of fact, these types of medical problems are among the leading causes of disability in the United States alone. This is basically a result of the many symptoms associated with arthritis.

The following will detail information regarding the many symptoms associated with the devastating condition of arthritis that greatly impacts the health of joints. If you find that you have any of the symptoms listed below, you should discuss it with a doctor.

1) Pain is the most common symptom associated with arthritis. This can occur in the actual area of the joints in the body, or it can appear in other areas of the body.

2) Many individuals suffer from swelling in the joint area when the health of joints is affected. This is because the immune system will send out messages to repair the area and the synovial fluid increases in this area.

3) If an individual suffers from arthritis, it is very common for that individual to suffer from stiffness. This stiffness may result in the mobility of the area to become restricted.

4) The area in which the health of joints is affected may become red and warm to the touch. Once again, this is a direct result of the inflammation that is occurring within this area.

5) Individuals who experience the complications of arthritis may find that it is extremely tender in the joint area. This could be a result of the inflammation, or it could be the result of damage that is affecting the health of the joints.

There are many different causes when it comes to arthritis and the impact that it has on the health of joints. Many medical professionals feel that there may be a genetic predisposition to this particular condition. Others believe that arthritis develops based on particular lifestyle habits of an individual.

There are many different risks that may have an impact on the health of joints. These factors include the individual’s age, if a person is overweight, the gender of a person, as well as what types of work conditions that individual experiences professionally. It is important to consider the risk factors you have to determine if you are susceptible to being diagnosed with an arthritic condition.

In order to determine if the health of joints is compromised by arthritis, many tests must be performed. Initially, a medical professional may begin with a family and personal medical history. This is required to determine the level of risk a person has in developing this joint disease.

From there, the doctor will generally do a physical to determine if there are any noticeable signs of the health of joints being compromised by arthritis. Symptoms may be noted at the time of the physical exam in which the doctor performs.

If there is a suspicion that arthritis is affecting the health of joints, various types of imaging tests may be performed. These tests may be as simple as a basic x-ray, or as thorough as a MRI. Many may even be subjected to a CAT scan. It all depends on what the doctor determines prior to ordering the tests.

In addition to the above testing procedures, many doctors may require samples of blood to be taken. This is often common practice because of the fact that it is a quick and simple means of getting a good look at your blood composite to make an official medical determination.

There are many different treatment methods that can be used to relieve the symptoms associated with this disease that affects the health of joints. Many people can simply rest and take over-the-counter medications to improve the mobility that they experience. These self-care techniques can also be used to alleviate the symptoms associated with arthritis.

There are a number of people, however, that may have to take specific prescription pain medications, endure physical and/or occupational therapy, and even surgery. It all depends as to what the extent of damage is as it pertains to the health of the joints of a specific person. No two treatments are exactly alike when it comes to arthritis.

While there is no cure for arthritis, there are many treatments available that will safely eliminate the amount of suffering an individual must endure as a result of the symptoms that are associated with arthritis. This offers hope to many who suffer from this disease that complicates the health of joints.

V.K. Rajagopalan is a full time Web Publisher. As a Platinum Publisher, he is credited with publishing many high quality, niche based articles at EzineArticles. He owns several Authority Sites in different niches.

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